Types of Fresh Water Generator.
There are three types of fresh water generator as 1. K TYPE. In this type of freshwater generator cooling medium in condenser is supplied from general service pump or main cooling sea water pump and ejector pump is installed under water line which supplies feed water as well as driving water for ejector KM TYPE. In this type of fresh water generator general service pump or cooling sea water pump supplies water to condenser then at outlet heated sea water from condenser is used as feed to evaporator from the condenser outlet ejector pump take suction in this type ejector pump is installed near to the fresh water generator this is energy efficient as well as easy in operation. KE TYPE. In this type of fresh water generator ejector pump is installed under the water line which supplies driving water for Ejector as driving water as well as cooling water for condenser sometimes in place of ejector pump main cooling sea water pump serves the purpose f...